The high ground, which has a height of over 300m, is a mountain. The hill is a smaller form of mountain.
How Many Types the Mountains Are Divided?
Mountains are divided into four types according to their mode of origin. They are Fold mountains, Block mountains, Volcanic mountains and Residual mountains.

What Are Old Mountains?
Mountains, which are old and have survived to this age and have been worn out by the action of wind, rain, ice and snow are old mountains. They have round and smooth edges.
What Are Young Mountains?
The recently formed mountains, which are tall and have sharp edges are young mountains. The young mountains have sharp edges, as they have not been eroded by the action of snow, ice, rain or wind. The Alps mountain range of Europe is an example of young mountains.
What Are Fold Mountains?
Mountains, which are formed due to the rise in the Earth’s crust are called Fold mountains. Fold mountains a rose because the rocks in them have been buckle and crumpled by pressure.

How Did the Block Mountains Come Into Being?
Block mountains came into being as a result of vertical earth movements along cracks of faults, such movements are also caused by the pressure generated by plates.
How Are the Volcanic Mountains Formed?
Volcanic mountains form as a result of volcanic eruptions. When a volcano erupts, the materials that are ejected fall around a hole or crater and build up a mountain that is roughly conical in shape and has a crater on the top. Fuji Yama in Japan is an example of Volcanic mountain.

How is Rift Valley Formed?
Rift valley is formed when two plates slide against each other, and one of the plates may be pushed downward.