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Weather is the name given to the atmospheric condition. Climate, on the other  hand, is the average condition of weather obtaining in a country or a place for a long period.

When Does the Weather Take Place and Why Does is Occur?

Most weather takes place in the lower layer of the atmosphere. Weather occurs because our atmosphere is in constant motion.

 Most weather takes place in the lower layer of the atmosphere
Most weather takes place in the lower layer of the atmosphere

What Are the Determining Factors of Weather?

The determining factors of weather are temperature, precipitation, clouds and wind.

What is Weather Forecasting?

Name the major instruments used for it

The process of monitoring and forecasting weather used by meteorologists is called forecasting. As the weather changes from time to time, therefore it is very important to forecast weather. The different instruments used in weather forecasting are Anemometer, Wind vane, Thermometer, Barograph, Psychrometer, etc

The process of monitoring and forecasting weather used by meteorologists is called forecasting
The process of monitoring and forecasting weather used by meteorologists is called forecasting

What is the Difference Between Anenomenter and Wind Vane?

Anemomenter is an instrument used to measure the speed of wind, while wind vane is an instrument, which indicates the direction of wind.

What Are Clouds?

Name the different types of clouds.

Clouds are groups of tiny water droplets or ice crystals in the sky. They can make different types of precipitation depending on atmosphere’s pressure.

The different types of clouds are Alocumulus, Cirrostratus, Stratus, Cumulus, Cumulonimbus, Cirrocumulus and Cirrus.

 Clouds are groups of tiny water droplets or ice crystals in the sky
Clouds are groups of tiny water droplets or ice crystals in the sky

What is Meteorology?

Meteorology is the study of weather and Meteorologists are scientists who study and predict weather.

What Are the Things on Which the Climate of a Region Depends?

The climate of a region depends on many factors including the amount of sunlight it receives, its height above sea level, the shape of the land and how close it is to oceans.

The climate of a region depends on many factors
The climate of a region depends on many factors

Why There is a Difference in Climate of Poles and Equator?

Since the equator receives more sunlight than the Poles, climate varies depending on the distance from the equator.

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